Saturday, July 4, 2009

Atlanta Benefits - 2009 Grant Application for O-I-C MAP Project


Overview/Achievements/Relationships - Spirit-Works in communities to build a better world in church, schools and communities. The O-I-C MAP Project is one way to support building healthy communities through Arts Productions designed to inspire communities and enliven the human spirit. Projects over the years have taking the form of Christian counseling/teaching, mentoring and outreach. As a result of youth mentored as teens have gone on to graduate from high school, enter college, complete college and some graduate school and are now working, responsible and productive, loving and caring citizens. Also they are modeling their example by giving back through outreach to sponsor children and families who need a helping hand as we all at some station of life need. These relationships are real and lasting because they provide a MAP (more abundant purpose) that shows us that we are all O-I-C (our internal code).


Overview/Strategies/Evaluation/Grant Use - O-I-C MAP Arts Productions will be developed through enlivening messages that promote healthy living. Consequently, the inspirational arts productions will improve the quality of life and lead to healthy communities.

Arts Groups will include but not be limited to music (vocal and instrumentation), drama, dance, and other forms of creative expression in local areas. Based on funding, Inspirational Reality Arts Productions would be filmed and made available for both local and global viewing hince together we give guidance and aid when it is needed most and work to build a better world.

The first giving fundraiser is set up for private donations to support 100% the
O-I-C MAP Inspiring and Enlivening Arts Productions Project less firstgiving's administrative fee. Just click the button of the firstgiving display on this blig site and your donation will go direct to firstgiving for accounting and administration.

If the Humana Atlanta Benefits $100,000 grant is awarded, Arts Productions will be developed and produced by local arts groups in 2010 through 2011. This will also include any funds that are raised through firstgiving less their administration fees. Productions may include all age groups gifted in the arts areas required for the Arts Productions. Effectiveness will be measured by creating a blog article and requesting feedback of viewers concerning their perceptions and impacts as measured against those desired outcomes of the Arts Productions. Another tool may be use of an online survey that can measure the outcomes as preceived by the viewers to what the producers and directors hope their audience will gain. By the end of the funding period the success will be measured based on the viewers reviews via blog and survey and by the producers, directors and artists of the Arts Productions whose reviews will also be taken via the blog, survey and in production sessions (used as press release for publicity of Arts Productions). It is hoped that ticket sales for each Arts Production will provide funding needed to continue the Reality Arts Productions and support key roles in producing the Reality Arts Productions post the grant funding period.


Humana associates can become collaborative partner and also adopt the Inspirational Reality Arts Productions, O-I-C MAP, as Friends volunteers to insure the successful event planning, production aids, logistics, publicity, promotion, ticket sales, stage set-up/lighting, props, fundraising, and other support, etc. that's needed happens. Humana can also become the vehicle to support funding an Amphitheatre for the Inspirational Reality Arts Productions Legacy--O-I-C (our internal code) MAP (more abundant purpose) for Humana, Guidance when you need it most.

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