Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Application for Community-Based Abstinence Education Program

Program Office: Family and Youth Services Bureau; Administration on Children, Youth and Families

Title: Community-Based Abstinence Education Program

Announcement: Initial

Number: HHS-2008-ACF-ACYF-AE-0099

CFDA Number: 93.010

Due Date: 06/02/2008

Applicant: 501(c)3 Non-Profit Ministries

by Mail: ACYF Operations Center
c/o The Dixon Group
Attention: Community-Based Abstinence Education Program Funding
118 Q Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-2132


New Creation in Christ Ministries, Inc. will facilitate in collaboration with and in context of the Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACF) requirements (curriculum and standards) a Community-Based Abstinence Education (CBAE) Program. The CBAE Program will be carry the logo Spirit-Works to emphasis the purpose which is to educate young people and create an environment within communities that supports teen decisions to postpone sexual activity until marriage. The logo provides a foundation for this purpose and it is to "Build A Better World in Church, Schools and Community." Through the CBAE Program themes, Spirit-Works will insure the selected Church, Schools and Community agencies structure all its instruction and activity to carry out the program purpose and its program themes for abstinence as defined by the CBAE Program.

Application Content

1) Federal SF 424 - Completed and submitted in this CBAE grant application.

2) Table of Contents - Required submissions are as numbered and are in required application content order.

3) Project Abstract - Project Name is Spirit-WorksToBuildABetterWorld. Selected Church, Schools, and Community organizations will use CBAE Program curriculum to teach young people middle school and high school ages abstinence education to make the choice to postpone sex until marriage (one man to one woman) and to remain monogamous in marriage relationship for life.

4) Project Description - Three segments of society will be addressed: Church, Schools and Community to build a better world. Spirit-Works will teach abstinence education to impact one life at a time. The purpose of this one way educates youth and creates environments in our communities that support a youth's decision to postpone sexual activity until marriage. It also supports retaining a monogamous relationship in marriage. The twelve themes that define abstinence education for the purposes of this program will be the exclusive curriculum expressed in a variety of ways that youth relate to best and parents can and willingly support. The participants will express the consisten themes for abstinence education based on the program requirements in their own ways to be diversity multi-culturally sensitive and adaptive for youth and their families served. Evaluations by an independent third party recommended by ACF will be contracted to provide pre, intermitent and post surveys and other measurement criteria for developing and reviewing service deliverables and impacts of outcomes desired as specified within the CBAE program guidelines. To support the Abstinence Education Program, an ACF Grant Program application is being made for the first of a five year CBAE Program Grant due June 2, 2008 by 4:30 p.m. EST. Most participants have other sources of funding that is used to carry out their overall programs but the grant is needed to conduct the Abstinence Education Program through Spirit-WorksToBuildABetterWorld.

5) Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs SF-424A - Form completed and enclosed.

6) Detailed Budget and Justification (As Required in Section V) - The CBAE Budget will consist of a four part distribution of funds to meet CBAE themes and program requirements. The budget will cover 1/4 operations non-salary, 1/4 for investment future operations beyond scope of the CBAE grant non-salary, 1/4 for program and service offerings and 1/4 for salary and wages, and program costs, i.e., program materials, instruction and evaluation. The grant is requested for $600,000 per year for the five year grant period. The program with investment plan will operate debt free and continue beyond the scope of the CBAE grant period. Line items will be the responsibility of the paticipating organizations to justify and will clearly make a difference in the probablity of being selected.

7) Logic Model - Selected participants will create their own unique ways to implement the CBAE curriculum based on the population to be served. The major goal is to change the environments to support teens making the choice to be abstinent until marriage to strengthen families to remain in manogomous relationship in marriage as defined by the CBAE program. Impact targets are 1) In the Church through a Freedom School, 2) In target Public Schools for in Fulton, Cobb and Paulding County and 3) In Community through programs in Mental Health, Juvenile Justice and Library Latchkey youth. All youth are at greater risk of STD's, Aids, and risky behaviors that can lead to alcohol and drug abuse when they engage in sexual activity before marriage and with multiple partners out of marriage relationship. It is the intent of Spirit-Works to change the environments to expect youth to be abstinent until marriage and monogamous within the marriage relationship as defined by the CBAE Program requirements.

8) Work Plan - Arranged based on the creative content of the selected programs to participate in Spirit-Works initiative for the community based abstinence education of young people as described in the logic model.

9) Curriculum Description - Required CBAE Program Curriculum to address the twelve themes will be used. The CBAE curriculum will be adapted for the unique needs of the culture and needs of the population served.

10) Support Documents - Forms required in the grant announcement were completed and are part of the application package mailed May 29, 2008.

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